Coexistence of serotonin syndrome and neuroleptic malignant syndrome: does it exist?Sanjay Prakash, Deepali Lodha, Kalu Singh Rawat
16 August 2021
Osmotic demyelination syndrome following slow correction of hyponatraemiaIsabel Saunders, David M Williams, Aliya Mohd Ruslan, Thinzar Min
9 August 2021
Severe metabolic derangement: a case of concomitant diabetic ketoacidosis and beer potomaniaDmitriy Stasishin, Patrick Schaffer, Zeryab Khan, Christie Murphy
9 August 2021
Atypical neuroleptic malignant syndrome and non-alcoholic Wernicke’s encephalopathyEsther Shan Lin Hor, Gurpreet Pal Singh, Nurul Akhmar Omar, Vincent Russell
5 August 2021
Lithium use in a patient on haemodialysis with bipolar affective disorder and lithium-induced nephropathySam Topp, Emma Salisbury
30 July 2021
E-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury (EVALI) masquerading as COVID-19Nandita Ganne, Raj Palraj, Elizabeth Husted, Ishan Shah
23 July 2021
Wide pulse pressure and Quincke’s pulse in high-output heart failureKatie Lin Berry, Peter D Sullivan, André Martin Mansoor
22 July 2021
Important reminder: nitrous oxide (NO) as a cause of functional vitamin B deficiencyAbdullahi Elsheikh Mahgoub, Smit Sunil Deliwala, Ghassan Bachuwa
21 July 2021
Schizotypal personality disorder disguised as dissociative identity disorderAlexander M Kaplan, Colin M Smith
20 July 2021
Carbamazepine-induced delayed-onset agranulocytosis in a case of bipolar disorder with Kikuchi’s diseaseCebasta Irudayaraj, Raviteja Innamuri, Dheeraj Kattula
30 June 2021